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Analytics, Record Everything, Track Everything
16th January, 2025

In today’s world Privacy is just about gaining the upper hand, securing your data from monolithic corporations that sell your data to their advertisers is just about doable, but what of us normal website owners, just trying to get a few visitors and maybe the odd enquiry to two. How do we grow our website […]

AI Images for your website
17th April, 2024

It’s all work work work for your AI images on your website. I have not spoken about AI before, and, in fact, I’m somewhat dubious about the whole Artificial Intelligence movement, there’s far too much hype and really not a lot of substance. But I shan’t do the usual and dive into the definition of […]

Brand or Not to Brand Advertise
17th November, 2023

What do I know about Brand Advertising? So the question this month is to look at whether it is worth brand advertising or not. It’s not actually that much of a difficult a choice and the answer is almost certainly going to be Yes. So the first thing you’d expect is that if you type […]

Content Content Content
26th October, 2023

This month I want to talk about Content, Content is King as they say, but the difficulties are compounding and it is only getting worse. There was a time when clients would spend an afternoon writing a lengthy Microsoft Word document detailing the Various Pages they wanted on their website and filling in nice little […]

Observations on GA4 – The New Google Analytics
14th September, 2023

There is a lot that is different about Google Analytics and these observations just highlight some interesting areas that we should be looking at to get more out of reporting. All reporting needs to lead to one key outcome – actions. Too often a report is glanced at or even ignored, people and services spend […]

GA4 – Have you made the leap
17th May, 2023

This had to be written, there is too much pressure and we are severely hoping the main readership of this blog is our own client base. We’re busy, we get that, and so are you. But Google is pushing ahead. We’ve made small noises over the last year about Google’s plan to remove access to […]

Create The World’s Simplest Marketing Plan
16th January, 2023

How to write the world’s simplest marketing plan, nail this for 2023. Here’s everything you need to do. When challenged with a marketing plan these were the only two rules that were unshakable laid down. Marketing Plans need to be open, inclusive and very very simple. The obvious platform on which to write a Marketing […]

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