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Service Updates: New Government
30th June, 2024

Staggeringly, it’s been 20 months since we last looked at our pricing and even in October 2022 – most prices stayed the same, in fact much our pricing has not risen since before COVID and that was now a long time ago. But we thought – new government – new reality – new prices. We […]

Google AI – We’ve had this battle before
15th May, 2024

Google has announced lots of new innovations in their Search Results and integration with their AI tools – nothing to see here. or is there? SEO’ers are upset, there’s a massive element of SEO driving content creations, and anyone in the SEO game has been recommending their clients to write blogs, articles, updates to their […]

Inflation Busting Maths
15th March, 2024

I need some help this month, I have a new theory, I won’t keep you reading for long, but feel free to correct me if I am wrong. Inflation is the bain of our current economic life, I struggle to resist the constant urge to up prices. In a world where everything seems to be […]

A Lack of Vision for Your Website
15th December, 2023

There’s something very missing these days for websites in general, Vision or lack of. So what am I on about? The question of what more you can do for marketing regularly crops up. It is established that Marketing is separate from Sales and many companies will now have a head of marketing. In the digital […]

Password Management
4th August, 2023

What do you do for password management and what does the future hold for passwords? Ok – this is going to be a highly dubious and ill-researched article, mostly because the world of passwords is on the cusp of change and secondly because at NCompass we have to deal in thousands of passwords. It makes […]

AI Fails with the Wow Factor
10th May, 2023

I was working in Hong Kong when a client invited me into their apartment in a place called Discovery Bay (aptly named as it turned out), he was super excited and quite a short man was hopping about saying I had to see something. the enthusiasm was palpable. He knew I has a vague interest […]

Hosting Videos on Websites
17th March, 2023

I’ll keep things relatively short this month, suffice to say that there are more ways than ever for hosting videos on Websites. But does YouTube still hold the lead and what options do you really have? The issue around Video is known as Streaming… the website server set-up has to allow a file to be […]

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